Games for Specialised Education

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Product no.: E471
22.00 *
Product no.: E467T
Old price 22.00 €
14.00 *
Product no.: E465
22.00 *
Product no.: E210_02T

Turn over the cards and be the first to announce the right irregular verb to advance on your game board.

The game is from 12 years old. 144 verbs, 4 levels.

Game to download and print at home.

Old price 30.00 €
10.00 *
Product no.: E490
22.00 *
Product no.: E492
22.00 *
Product no.: E450
22.00 *
Product no.: E496
Old price 38.00 €
28.00 *
Product no.: E467
Old price 22.00 €
Prices  incude VAT.